Antique Gas Pump Parts
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Faces/Hands/Bezels/Tags for Antique Gas Pumps

*** Please be aware that all of the parts listed below are reproductions of parts originally offered. In NO way are these parts ever to be used for the actual dispensing of any potentially hazardous substances such as gasoline. Parts such as the Underwriters' Laboratories tag do not signify that the pump is actually UL listed but are offered to enhance the quality of your restoration. ***


Use the alphabetical listing below to speed up your browsing

(American Oil - Butler) (Erie - Hayes) (Martin - Rapidayton) (Rush - Tokheim) (Wayne)

American Oil Pump and Tank Co. 187 - Hands $5 each. Cast iron bezel $60. Cast iron light shade $50. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass machined reset knob $12. ID tag $12. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Cast iron visi gauge - Call for details.

 American Oil Pump and Tank Co. 277, 278 & 279 - Faces 10" diam. with Presto-Service in red & black $50/set. Hands $5 each. Glass bezel $45. Cast iron light shade $50. Stamped aluminum price box frame (bezel) $20 (not an exact copy). Cast iron inside frame for price box $30. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass machined reset knob $12. ID tag $12. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Color Sales brochure $12.

American Computo 488, 489 - Faces - 11 5/8" x 14 1/4" 6 wheeled computer - $50/set. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. ID tag $10.

American Computo 488, 489 - Faces - 11 5/8" x 14 3/4" 9 wheeled computer - $50/set. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. ID tag $12.

American Model 288 Cash Recorder Pump - NLA

American Model 700, 710, 800 DeLuxe - Faces - NLA. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. ID tag $12. Site glass $30.

American 800 Series Lubsters - Color sales brochure - $8. Specify for Oil or Lubricating Oil & Kerosene.

American Air Compressors - Sales brochure - $2. Specify for L or M or R or G/N or P-62 series.

American Island Display Cabinets - Color sales brochure - $6.

American Visible Pump - Cast iron handle $90 (drilled, tapped with key way). Cast iron top plate $80 (jar lid). Jar lid glass with wire 5 3/4" diam. $20 or 9 1/4" diam. $28. Holder for wire glass $40. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. ID tag $12. Gallon marker (not an exact copy of the original) $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Sales brochure for model 2487-B $8.

A.O. Smith - See Smithway

Aqua Computor Model E-455C - Faces - one 11"dia. face & one 6"dia. face per side $100/set of four. Hands $5 each. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

Aqua Systems E-455 - Faces - 11" dia. Each side has different mounting pattern. "Red Seal" logo. $50/set. Hands $5 each. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass machined reset knob $12. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

Aqua Systems E-700 - Faces - 12" x 16" faces $50/set. ONE SET LEFT!

Aqua Systems 850 & 855 - Faces - 12 1/4" x 15 3/4" formed face with 3 5/32" hole at the top - $50/set. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10.

Bennett Barrel Pumps aka Bennett Lubesters including "Bennett High-Boy" - Parts breakdowns for many models available (too numerous to list here) $4 each (specify model if known).

Bennett Grease Dispensers - Parts breakdowns for many models available (too numerous to list here) $4 each.

Bennett Shotwell 550 - ID tag $15. Brass banana nozzle with hook $95. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10.

Bennett 30 and others - Faces - 10" dia. with 6 mounting holes $45/set. ID tag $10. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass machined reset knob $12. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

Bennett 56 & 56L - Face - 7 1/4" x 5 1/2" face $20 each. ID tag $10. Parts $5. Installation & maintenance booklet $8.

Bennett 57 - Face - 6" diameter $15. ID tag $10. Color sales literature $10. Parts breakdown $5.

Bennett 58 - ID tag $10. Color sales literature $10. Parts breakdown $5.

Bennett 72, 74, 76 & 78 - Parts breakdown $8.

Bennett 76 - Faces - 10 1/2" x 13 3/4". has the 'dog bone' shaped cutout at the top $50/set alum. or $40/set white. Cast iron bezel for Sohio pumps NLA. Site glass (1 3/4" x 4") $10. Stair steps and lower channel $30/set of 3. Polished stainless steel nozzle bezel $15 each. Stainless steel upper bezel trim $15. Stainless steel lower bezel trim $25. Parts breakdown $2.50. Polished stainless steel corner trim (you will not need to use an insert) $30 each (60.59" long). Steel corner trim $20 each (60.59" long). Stainless steel corner trim inserts - NLA. Large head corner trim bolts $2.80 ea. in stainless or in brass. ID tag "Service Station Equipment" (3 3/4" x 4 1/2") $12 or "Bennett"(3" x 4") $10 . Reset crank zinc with moveable knob $28. Parts breakdown $4. Parts Price List for All SS &Bennett Visible & Meter Pump Nozzles $4.

Bennett 76 & 166 w/o dog bone cutout - Faces -10 1/2" x 12 1/2" Bennett logo in red $50/set. Cast iron bezel for Sohio pumps NLA. Stair steps and lower channel $30/set of 3. Stainless steel upper bezel trim $15. Stainless steel lower bezel trim $25. Polished stainless steel nozzle bezel $15 each. ID tag "Service Station Equipment" (3 3/4" x 4 1/2") $12 or "Bennett"(3" x 4") $10 . Double sided Site glass ID tag which fits on top the site glass assembly $20. Polished stainless steel corner trim $30 each (60.59" long). Steel corner trim $20 each (60.59" long). Stainless steel corner trim inserts for the steel corner- NLA. Large head corner trim bolts $2.80 each in stainless or in brass. ID tag "Service Station Equipment" (3 3/4" x 4 1/2") $12 or "Bennett"(3" x 4") $10 . Reset crank zinc with moveable knob $28. Parts breakdown $4. Parts Price List for All SS &Bennett Visible & Meter Pump Nozzles $4.

Bennett 77 with external site glass - Hands $5 each. ID tag "Service Station Equipment" (3 3/4" x 4 1/2") $12 or "Bennett"(3" x 4") $10 . Cast iron bezel for Sohio pumps $150. Polished stainless steel nozzle bezel $15 each. Stainless steel upper bezel trim $15. Stainless steel lower bezel trim $25. Stair steps and lower channel $30/set of 3. Site glass $40. Polished stainless steel corner trim $30 each (60.59" long). Steel corner trim $20 each (60.59" long). Stainless steel corner trim inserts for the steel corner- NLA. Double sided Site glass ID tag which fits on top the site glass assembly $20. Large head corner trim bolts $2.80 in stainless or in brass. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Parts breakdown $4. Parts Price List for All SS &Bennett Visible & Meter Pump Nozzles $4.

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Bennett 116G, 118G, 124G, 216E 218E & 224E PDQ Fuel Pumps - Parts breakdown $4. ID tag $10.

Bennett 132 & 150 - Faces - 12" dia., 3 hole mount. Red & black numbers & logo $45/set OR 10" dia. $45/set OR Service Station Equipment (SS) faces $50/set. Hands $5 ea. Face glass bezels(spun aluminum NOT cast) $50/set. Glass with hole $30. Face glass $20 (no hole). Brass machined reset knob (goes through the glass) $12. Cast iron reset knob (on side of pump) $25. Stamped aluminum price box frame (bezel) - $15 each. Price cards - $1 each. (specify price). Brass Bennett ID tag $10. Original style cast iron visi gauge (call for details). Cast iron bezel around outlet pipe for visi $20. Double sided site glass ID tag which fits on top the site glass assembly $20. Cast brass "See-Gage" sign (screws down into the site glass assembly) $40. Polished stainless nozzle receiver bezel $12. Cast iron nozzle lever $25 (DM 150) or $50(EM150). Cast iron nozzle lever bezel $25 (DM150) or $20 (EM150). Cast iron nozzle receiver $20 (EM150). Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. "Motor" or "Tydol" or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $30 or cast iron $20. Cast iron base $160. Parts breakdown (covers EM 100, 101, 102, 150, 151 &155, EM 150 & 450) $2. Parts breakdown for DM Models (8 pp) $4. Parts breakdown for EM Models (8 pp) $4. Parts breakdown for Vento 132 & 232 Models (8 pp) $4. Color sales brochure $4. Parts Price List for All SS &Bennett Visible & Meter Pump Nozzles $4.

Rheem-Bennett see "Rheem".

Bennett DMB-150 - Faces - 11" x 12 1/4" faces(8 sided) $80/set (includes 2 ID tags for the faces). Cast iron bezel $60. Large head corner trim bolts $2.50 each in stainless or brass. Hands $6 each. ID tag $12. "Motor" or "Tydol" or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $30 or cast iron $20. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Parts Price List for All SS &Bennett Visible & Meter Pump Nozzles $4.

Bennett 134/135/145/154/155 & 165 - ID tag (Service Station Equipment) $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Reset crank $22. "Motor" or "Tydol"or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $30 or cast iron $20. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Parts breakdown for 134 & 154 Models (8 pp) $10. Parts breakdown for 135,145,155 & 165 Models (12pp) $14. Replacement Clock Installation for 134 & 154 Series $2. Repalcement Clock Installation for 135,145,155 & 165 $2.

Bennett 156 & 256 - Oil Merchandiser (Oil Can Display Rack) - Sales brochure (8 bw pp.) $4.

Bennett 371, 372 - Faces - 10 3/4" x 15 3/4" flat face, oval cutout -$50/set. Rubber to install door glass $7.50 ea. Rubber to install ad glass $4.50 ea. ID tag $10. Reset crank (with side set screw) $20. Reset crank (with screw on end of shaft) $25. Site glass bezel $25 each unpolished or $26 each polished. Cast iron globe holder $50. Parts breakdown/instruction manual (10 bw pp.) $8. Parts Price List for All SS &Bennett Visible & Meter Pump Nozzles $4.

Bennett 373, 374 - Hands $5 ea. ID tag $10. Site glass bezel $25 each unpolished or $26 each polished. Rubber to install door glass $7.50 ea. Rubber to install ad glass $4.50 ea. Cast iron globe holder $50. Parts breakdown/instruction manual (10 bw pp.) $8. Parts Price List for All SS &Bennett Visible & Meter Pump Nozzles $4.

Bennett 541-545 - Faces - 10 1/2" x 16 5/8" rolled sides with oval cutout $50/set. ID tag $10. Reset crank (with side set screw) $20. Reset crank (with screw on end of shaft) $25. Site glass bezel $32 each polished. Rubber to install door glass $7.50 ea. Rubber to install ad glass $4.50 ea. Cast iron globe holder $50. Parts breakdown/instruction manual (12 bw pp.) $10.

Bennett 546, 566, 567, 646, 647 - Faces - 10 1/2" x 16 5/8" rolled sides and flat bottom $50/set. ID tag $10. Stainless steel window divider (with backing plate) $15. Chrome reset crank (with side set screw) $20. Reset crank (with screw on end of shaft) $25. Site glass tag $10 (specify "C" shaped or full circle). Cast iron globe holder $50. Parts breakdown/instruction manual (12 bw pp.) $10. Parts Price List for All SS &Bennett Visible & Meter Pump Nozzles $4.

Bennett 588 & 589 - Parts breakdown $6. ID tag $10.

Bennett 725 Power Pump - ID tag $10. Parts breakdown $4.

Bennett 756, 757, 766 & 767 - Faces - 12 1/2"x 12 1/2" painted white, black and red lettering $50/set. Stainless steel window divider (with backing plate) $15. Rubber to install door glass $4 ea. Rubber to install ad glass $3 ea. "Bennett" script tag $24. ID tag $10. Chrome reset crank (with side set screw) $20. Reset crank (with screw on end of shaft) $25. Site glass tag ("C" shaped) $10 alum. Parts breakdown $5.

Bennett 782, 788, 789 & 792 - ID tag $10. Parts breakdown $5.

Bennett 810 Visible - brass ID tag $10. Cast iron handle with U bolt $95. Jar lid glass with wire (6 1/2" diam.) $20. Sales brochure (4pp. color) $8. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Gallon marker (not an exact copy of the original) $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Parts breakdown $2. Parts Price List for All SS &Bennett Visible & Meter Pump Nozzles $4.

Bennett 876 - Faces - 9 1/4"x 10 1/4" corners 'notched out' $50/set. ID tag $7. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10.

Bennett 952, 953, 962, 963, 972, 973 & 982 - ID tag $10. Parts breakdown $5.

Bennett 956, 957, 966 & 967 - Rubber to install door glass $9 ea. Rubber to install ad glass $6 ea. ID tag $10. Curved window glass $25 each. Reset crank $28. Site glass $20. Site glass tag $10. Parts breakdown $5.

Bennett 976, 977, 986 & 987 - ID tag $10. Parts breakdown $5.

Bennett 1052, 1053, 1062, 1063, 1072, 1073, 1082 & 1083 - ID tag $10. Parts breakdown $5.

Bennett 1056, 1057, 1066 & 1067 - ID tag $10. Parts breakdown $5.

Bennett 1076, 1077, 1086 & 1087 - Faces - white, formed painted face with black and red letters  $50/set. ID tag $10. Curved window glass $25 each. Reset crank $20. Site glass tag $10. Cast aluminum globe holder $30. Parts breakdown $5.

Bennett 1000-1000M, 1500-1500M - Parts breakdown $3.

Bennett 2052, 2053, 2062 & 2063 - ID tag $10. Parts breakdown $5.

Bennett 2056, 2057-2066 & 2067 - ID tag $10. Parts breakdown $5.

Bennett 2072, 2073, 2082 & 2083 - ID tag $10. Parts breakdown $5.

Bennett 2076, 2077-2086 & 2087 - ID tag $10. Parts breakdown $5.

Bennett 2092, 2096, 2192 & 2196 - Parts breakdown $5.

Bennett 2162 & 2163 - Parts breakdown $4.

Bennett 2166 & 2167 - ID tag $10. Parts breakdown $4.

Bennett 2172, 2173, 2182 & 2183 - Parts breakdown $4.

Bennett 2176, 2177, 2187 & 2187 - ID tag $10. Parts breakdown $4.

Bennett 2782, 2788, 2789 & 2792 - ID tag $10. Parts breakdown $5.

Bennett 3113 & 3115 - Parts breakdown $6.

Bennett 4000-4100 - Parts breakdown $8

Bowser C2, C4, & C6 - ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Brass banana nozzle with side tabs $95.

Bowser C11, C22 - ID tag $12. Cast iron handle $65. Cast iron bonnet & lid for C11 & C22 (5 gallon) $150. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Brass banana nozzle with side tabs $95.

Bowser C7 & C77 Visible - ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Cast iron nozzle hanger bracket $30. Cast iron globe holder $48 (2pc). Gallon marker (not an exact copy of the original) $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Brass banana nozzle with side tabs $95.

Bowser C81 Visible - ID tag $12. Cast iron handle & wing nut - NLA. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Cast iron globe holder $48 (2pc). Nozzle hanger bracket $50 (2pc). Gallon marker(not an exact copy of the original) $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Brass banana nozzle with side tabs $95.

Bowser C110 Visible - ID tag $12. Cast iron handle $70. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Cast iron globe holder $48 (2pc). Nozzle hanger bracket $50 (2pc). Gallon marker (not an exact copy of the original) $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Brass $95.

Bowser C111 Visible - ID tag $12. Cast iron handle $70. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Cast iron globe holder $48 (2pc). Gallon marker (not an exact copy of the original) $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Brass banana nozzle with side tabs $95.

Bowser Chief Sentry Figure 102 (round)- Face - 5 1/2" dia. Black numbers & logo- $20. ID tag $12. Instruction Plate tag $12. Cast iron handle (2 pc) $70. Hand $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass banana nozzle with side tabs $95.

Bowser Chief Sentry Figure 97, 99, 100 (square) - Faces - 5 1/2" dia. Black numbers & logo- $40/set. ID tag $12. Instruction Plate tag $12. Cast iron handle $60. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass banana nozzle with side tabs $95.

 Bowser Varley Sentry 318 - Hands $5 ea. ID tag (Xacto) $12 ea. Cast iron face glass bezel $50 each. Face glass (no hole) $20. Face glass with hole $30. Cast iron price box bezel $35. Cast iron nozzle rest $45. Visi-gauge "Glass Must Be Full..."double sided tag (attaches on the upper casting of the visi) $20. Reset knob (two piece brass) $22 (undrilled), $30 ready to mount. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass machined reset knob $12. Parts breakdown $3.25. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

Bowser Xacto Sentry 300 ('Pumpkin Head') - Hands $5 ea. Face glass $16. ID tag $12 ea. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Visi-gauge "Glass Must Be Full..." cast sign $30 (attaches on the lower casting) . Special brass acorn nuts for visi $3 each. Replacement Air Release Body (for top of visi) NLA. Brass key for top of visi-gauge NLA. Parts breakdown for 300-E $4. Other parts please call or email me.

Bowser Xacto Sentry 310, 311, 318 & 320 - Faces - 10 1/4" dia. face, 3 hole mount. Red & black numbers and logo - $50/set. Hands $5 ea. ID tag- $12 ea. Cast iron face glass bezel $50 each. Face glass (no hole) $20. Face glass with hole $30. Cast iron price box bezel $35. Card for price box $1 each. Cast iron nozzle rest $45. Visi-gauge "Glass Must Be Full..." double sided tag $20 (attaches on the upper casting of the visi). Visi-gauge "Glass Must Be Full..." cast iron sign $30 (attaches on the lower casting). Reset knob (two piece brass) $22 (undrilled), $30 (ready to mount). Brass machined reset knob $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Parts breakdown $4.

Bowser Xacto Sentry 410 - Faces - NLA. Hands - NLA. Aluminum ID tag - $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Visi-gauge "Glass Must Be Full..." double sided tag $20 (attaches on the upper casting of the visi). Parts breakdown $4.

Bowser 121 Gas Cart - Brass banana nozzle with side tabs $95. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10.

Bowser 241 Red Sentry and others - Face -4 5/8" dia. clock face with four mounting holes $15. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Large half moon shaped "Red Sentry" sign $20. ID tag $12. Cast iron handle $50 with wood knob. Cast iron access door $35 (measure your opening as there are two styles). Brass banana nozzle with side tabs $95.

Bowser 525 & 585 - Parts breakdown/instruction manual (16 bw pp.) $5.50. Glass cylinder 1 1/2" x 6" $18. ID tag $12.

Bowser 555, 575 - Faces - White painted, red & blk letters 13 1/4" x 16 1/4" formed aluminum-$50/set. Site glass $14. ID tag $12.

Bowser 557 & 565 HC - Faces - $55/set. ID tag $12.

Bowser 575 -Faces -White, red & blk letters 13 1/4" x 16 1/4" formed aluminum $50/set. Site glass $14. ID tag $12.

Bowser 578-A "Bantam" - Faces - 5 3/8" x 10 1/2" white $20. ID tag $12.

Bowser 585 Rol-Way -Faces - White painted, red & blk letters 13 1/4" x 13 1/4" formed aluminum $50/set. Glass cylinder 1 1/2" x 6" $18. Site glass trim $8 each. ID tag $10. Rubber to install glass $5.

Bowser 595-C & 530-C - "Glass Must Be Full" bezel $10 ea. Glass cylinder 1 1/2" x 6" $18. Parts breakdown/instruction manual (16bw pp.) $5.50. ID tag $12.

Bowser 1500 to 1533 Rolway, Reelway and Drape Hose Pumps -Parts breakdown/instruction manual (22 bw pp.) $8.

Boyle Dayton 11, 12, 21 & 22 Oil Storage Tanks - UL tag $10. Sales brochure $2.

Boyle Dayton 51 - UL tag $10. Sales brochure $2.

Boyle Dayton 54 - UL tag $10. Sales brochure $2.

Boyle Dayton 56 "The Aero" - UL tag $10. Sales brochure $4.

Boyle Dayton 57 - UL tag $10. Sales brochure $2.

Boyle Dayton 74 "The Vizo" - UL tag $10. Sales brochure $5.

Boyle Dayton 83 - Cast iron handle with square tapered hole $85. UL tag $10.

Boyle Dayton 120 - UL tag $10. Sales brochure $2.

Boyle Dayton 121 Gas Cart - Gas gauge dial $10. Brass banana nozzle with side tabs $95. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Sales brochure $2.

Boyle Dayton 106 & 108 - UL tag $10. Sales brochure $5.

Butler Visible Model 30 - Cast iron handle $70. Jar lid glass with wire $15. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Sales brochure $14. ID tag $12. Gallon marker (not an exact copy of the original) $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

Butler Visible Pump Model 41, 42 & 43 - Cast iron handle $55. Cast iron top plate $60. Cast iron splash deflector $40. Cast iron bonnet $160. Cast iron access door frame $45. Cast iron access door $50. Gallon marker (not an exact copy of the original) $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. Decals for etched cylinder look $40 for two (1-10). Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. ID tag $12. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Copy of sales literature $8.

Butler Visible Pumps Model 61 & 71 - Steel corner with holes $15 each. Cast iron bonnet $125 (specify whether your pump has internal markers or an etched cylinder. THEY ARE NOT INTERCHANGEABLE). Cast iron light bulb holder (oval shape just like the originals) $35. Insulator and socket for light bulb holder (oval shape just like the originals) $25. Cast iron access door $50. Cast iron access door frame $50. Cast iron handle (specify for round or square shaft) $60. Gallon marker (not an exact copy of the original) $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. Decals for etched cylinder look $40 for 2 (1-10). Cast iron top plate (jar lid) $95 (specify whether your pump has internal markers or an etched cylinder. THEY ARE NOT INTERCHANGEABLE). Square cast iron wire glass retainer (available separately for top of jar li)d $25. Cast iron 'splash' deflector $30. Jar lid glass with wire $20. ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

Butler Visible Pump Model 81 - Cast iron handle $75. Cast iron top plate (jar lid) $80. Cast iron 'splash' deflector $20. Cast iron "To" pointer $12. Gallon marker (not an exact copy of the original) $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. Decals for etched cylinder look $40 for 2 (1-10). ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

Butler Cash Recorder Model 34-C - Faces - One 11" face and one 6" face per side $100/set of four. Hands $5 each. ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass machined reset knob $12.

Butler 131 & 133 - Faces - 9" dia. with 4 mntg holes, black numbers & "Butler" in red - $50/set. Cast iron glass bezel $50 each. Face glass $16. ID tag $12. Cast iron light shade $45. Cast aluminum light shade $40. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass machined reset knob $12. "Motor" or "Tydol" or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $30 or cast iron $20. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

Butler 134 - Faces - 11" dia. same as "Neptune" without the Butler logo $50/set. Hands $5 each. ID tag $12. Cast iron light shade $45. Cast aluminum light shade $40. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass machined reset knob $12. "Motor" or "Tydol" or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $30 or cast iron $20. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

Clear Vision Cash Recorder Model 718C- Faces - One 11" face and one 6" face per side $100/set of four. Hands $5 each. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10.

Clear Vision Visble pumps - Decals for etched cylinder look $40 for 2.

Correct-O-Meter - Faces - 8" - NLA. Brass ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass machined reset knob $12. "Motor" or "Tydol" or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $30 or cast iron $20. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

Correct-O-Meter - Brass ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass machined reset knob $12. "Motor" or "Tydol"or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $30 or cast iron $20. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

Correct Measure Visible pumps - Cast iron handle with wood knob $75. Decals for etched cylinder look $40 for 2. Brass ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10.

Dart Visible - Access door (cast iron) $70. One left!

Dayton Pumps - See Rapidayton.

Decals for Restoring Veeder-Root Computers - $12/set. Specify white or silver or gold background color.

Eco Air Compressors - Parts Breakdown for Models BA-14 & others beginning with "B" $8. Parts breakdown for Model SC 12, SC13, SC34 $8. Model TS30, TS60, TS601 & TS6015 $8. ModelsSE30 & SE60 $8. Models SH762 & SH763 $8. Models SF763T & 763V $8. Models SK765T & SK765V $8.


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Erie Air Compressor - Copy of original sales brochure $2.

Erie Hand Pumps & Lubsters - Copy of original sales brochure $20.

Erie U 10-12, 20-22, 40, 42, 210 & 310 - Faces - 10 1/2" square face. Red logo and border, black numbers $50/set. Cast iron light shade $50. Face glass bezel $50. ID tag (brass ) $12.Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass machined reset knob $12. "Motor or Tydol"or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $32 or cast iron $20. Parts breakdown $10. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Erie 4"$4or 7" $7.

Erie U 601-603, 751-753, 762, 763, 801, 803 & 863 - Faces - 9" or 9 1/2" diameter with 3/16" center hole & 3 mounting holes - two near the numbers & one near the center. No totalizer hole $50/set. OR 9 1/2" dia. with 11/16" center hole and 3 mounting holes near the outside edge. Red logo & black numbers $50/set. Hands $5 ea. Glass with hole $30. Face glass (no hole) $20. ID tag (alum or brass ) $10. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass machined reset knob $12. Parts breakdown $10. "Motor or Tydol"or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $32 or cast iron $20. Cast iron face bezel $50. Cast iron light shade $50. Cast iron nozzle rest $45. Cast iron bezel for nozzle rest $30. Erie decal 4" $4 or 7" $7.

Erie 50 Cash Recorder - Faces - $100/set of 4. Cast iron 'spear' below the bezels $40. Hand $6 each (large) and $5 each (small). "Motor" or "Tydol" or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $32 or $20. Erie decal 4" $4 or 7" $7.

Erie 53 - Faces - NLA. Upper bezel $50. Cast iron 'spear' below the bezels $35. "Motor or Tydol"or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $32 or $20. Erie decal 4" $4 or 7" $7.

Erie 70, 71, 80, 81, 90G, 91G "Guardsman" - Faces - $55/set. Stainless steel upper bar trim - $12 each (takes 6). Stainless steel site glass trim - $8 each for the short trim (takes 4) or $9 each for the longer ones (takes 4). Replacement site glass (not plastic!) NLA. Spinner inside the site glass- $22 each. ID tag $12. Reset crank $20 (tapped 3/8" x 24). "Motor or Tydol" or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $32 or cast iron $20. Parts breakdown $4. Erie decal 4"$4 or 7" $7.

Erie 77, 99, 248-10, 277, 748, 771, 777, 991 & 999 - Faces - 12 5/8" x 23" white powder coated faces $80/set. ID tag $10. Parts breakdown $4. Erie decal 4" $4 or 7" $7.

Erie 129 & 129B - Faces (white powder coated) $65/set. Large head corner trim bolts $2.25 in stainless or $2 in brass. ID tag $10. "Motor or Tydol" or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $32 or cast iron $20. Erie decal 4" $4 or 7" $7.

Erie 243, 245, 740, 740-748 - ID tag $10. Ad glass $18 each. Copy of original sales brochure $20. Copies of original sales brochure for "Pylonite" (Stationliter) $2. Erie decal 4" $4 or 7" $7.

Erie 776 - Copy of original sales brochure $4. ID tag $10. Erie decal 4" $4 or 7" $7.

Erie 910, 930 & 935 Commerical Pump - Copy of original sales brochure $4. ID tag $10. Erie decal 4" $4 or 7" $7.

Erie 991 Non-Computing Pump - Copy of original sales brochure $4. ID tag $10. Erie decal 4" $4 or 7" $7.

Erie 4007 Farm Fueler - Face -6" dia. face with white background $20. Glass with hole $20. Brass machined reset knob $12. Parts break down for the meter (clock)$8. Sales brochure $4. Erie 4"$4or 7" $7.

Ferro Model 100 & 100T -Hands $7 each. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass machined reset knob $12. Color sales brochure $8. "Motor" or "Tydol"or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $30 or cast iron $20. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

Fry 17, 71, 73, 77, 87 and 117 - Cast iron shut off valve (gate valve) lever arm $35 or $48 (in bronze ) six styles available. Cast iron "Guarantee Liquid Measure" door $45 (spec. one mounting hole or two). Cast iron base cover $95 (spec. round or square). This will NOT fit the pumps with a stamped steel base. Cast iron pump handle with double D shaft for 117 - $140 or for 17 with square shaft $75 (with wood knob). Cast iron pump handle (for external pump) $65. Cast iron globe holder (used on pumps with cast iron top) $75. Cast acrylic cylinder $125 (10 x 20"). ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. "Guarantee Visible Measure" long front/rear door decal (21" tall) $14 (specify red or white or gold lettering). "Texaco" long front/rear door decal (18" tall) $15 (specify red or white lettering). Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Brass banana nozzle (Morrison 126) $95.

Gasboy - Face - 6" diameter with white background $20. Glass with hole $20. ID tag $12. Parts break down for the meter (clock)$8.

Gasboy 50 & 50A & 1550 - Face - 6 7/8" square clock face with rounded slot - $20. ID tag $12.

Gasboy 100 & Various Models - Face - 9" x 5 1/4" face with formed bottom and holes for three wheels - $28. ID tag $12.

Gilbarco Air Compressor - CPS12 & CPS34. Parts breakdown $6.

Gilbarco Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual for T90 - T93 - T106 - TM(True Meter)- M70 - TML - M80 - M85 - 86 - 86R - 87 - 87R - M 89 - M96 - M97 - 32 b & w pages $12.

Gilbarco Calcometer Model 70, 80, 85 - Faces - 8 1/4" x 10 3/4" white, angled sides $45/set. Reset crank $20. ID tag $20. "G & B" circular logo $10 stainless steel or $15 brass. Stainless steel upper corner post sheathing $13 each. Polished stainless steel lower corners (67 5/16" long) - NLA. "G & B" vinyl decal (5") $9. Parts breakdown $3.

Gilbert & Barker Model 83 ("Tru-Meter") - Faces - 12" x 15" clock face with 4 mntg holes - $50/set. ID tag $10. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass machined reset knob $12. "G & B" circular logo $10 stainless steel or $15 brass. "G & B" vinyl decal (5") $9.

Gilbarco Calcometer Model 86 - Faces - 11" x 15" formed sides & bottom with lower trim $55/set. Cast iron face bezel Out of stock. Site glass bezel $29 polished. ID tag $20. Escutcheon plate $7. Reset crank $20. "G & B" circular logo $10 stainless steel or $15 brass. Stainless steel upper corner post sheathing - Out of stock. Parts breakdown $3 (specify 86 or 86AR). Polished stainless steel lower corners (66 1/4" long) Out of stock. "G & B" vinyl decal (5") $9.

Gilbarco Model 86 G.O.C. - Faces - 11" x 15" white face with formed sides $50/set. Cast iron face glass bezel $65. "G & B" circular logo $10 stainless steel or $15 brass. Site glass bezel $29 each polished. Stainless steel upper corner post sheathing Out of stock. Polished stainless steel lower corners (66 1/4" long) Out of stock. ID tag $20. Escutcheon plate $7. Reset crank $20. "G & B" vinyl decal (5") $9.

Gilbarco Calcometer Model 87 - Faces - $50/set. Cast iron face glass bezel Out of stock. Site glass bezel $20 each unpolished."G & B" circular logo $10 stainless steel or $15 brass. Stainless steel upper corner post sheathing Out of stock. Polished stainless steel lower corners (66 1/4" long) Out of stock. ID tag $20. Parts breakdown $2. "G & B" vinyl decal (5") $9.

Gilbarco Calcometer Model 96 & 96C - Faces - NLA. Site glass bezel $32 each unpolished or $38 each polished. Reset crank $20. "G & B" circular logo $10 stainless steel or $15 brass. Rubber to install door glass $5 ea. Rubber to install ad glass $3 ea. Parts breakdown $4(96) or $6(96C). "G & B" vinyl decal (5") $9.

Gilbarco Calcometer Model 96 B & 96ER & 396ER - Faces - 12 1/2" x 15" white formed face with no cutout. $50/set. Reset crank $20. "G & B" circular logo $10 stainless steel or $15 brass. Rubber to install door glass $5 ea. Rubber to install ad glass $3 ea. Parts breakdown $6. "G & B" vinyl decal (5") $9.

Gilbarco Model 97 - Faces - NLA. Site glass bezel $32 each unpolished or $38 each polished."G & B" circular logo stainless steel $10 ea or $15 brass. "G & B" vinyl decal (5") $9.

Gilbarco Greaseservers - GS1, GS2 & GS3 - Parts breakdown $5.

Gilbarco Greaseservers 7825, 7825MT & 7825M - Parts breakdown $2.

Gilbarco Greaseservers 78100, 78100M, 78100MT, 78100M-1 & 78100MT-1 - Parts breakdown $2

Gilbarco Greaseservers 78501, 78501MT & 78501M - Parts breakdown $2.

Gilbarco Greaseservers 78502, 78502MT, 78502M, 78502-1, 78502MT-1 & 78502M-1 - Parts breakdown $2.

Gilbarco Hand Pump Model 7500 & 7550 - Parts breakdown $4.

Gilbarco Hydraulic Lift HL1 - Parts breakdown $5.

Gilbarco Hydraulic Lift HL2 - Parts breakdown $5.

Gilbarco Lubri-Server GS1 35 Pint - Parts breakdown $4.

Gilbarco Lubri-Server 35 Pint 200 Series - Parts breakdown $6.

Gilbarco Model 71014 Hand Operated Oil Pump - Parts breakdown $3.

Gilbarco Model 71024 Hand Operated Oil Pump - Parts breakdown $3.

Gilbarco Model 71042, 71025 & 71045 Hand Operated Oil Pump - Parts breakdown $3.

Gilbarco Model 7400, 7420 & 7450 Hand Operated Oil Pump - Parts breakdown $3.

Gilbarco Model 7405, 7425 & 7455 Hand Operated Oil Pump - Parts breakdown $3.

Gilbarco Model 7505 & 7555 Hand Operated Oil Pump - Parts breakdown $3.

Gilbarco Model 101 G.O.C. - Faces - 11" x 15" white face with formed sides $50/set. These are not an exact copy but will work.

Gilbarco Model 996 & 996A - Site glass grommet $4. Rubber to install door glass $8 ea. Rubber to install ad glass $6 ea. Parts breakdown $6(996) or $4(996A). "G & B" circular logo $10 stainless steel or $15 brass.. "G & B" vinyl decal (5") $9.

Gilbarco Model 1000, 1006 & 1100 -Window rubber $16/window.

Gilbarco FMP & CFP (Commercial Fleet Pump) - Face - 6" diameter with white background $20. Glass with hole $20. Parts breakdown (CFP) $3.

Gilbarco Lubester T-32, T-232 & T-332 - Parts breakdown $5.

Gilbert & Barker Sales Literature - T-1 $1. T-3 $2. T-5 $1. T-6 $5. T-6-H $3. T-6-K $2. T-6-L $2.

T- 8 $5. T-9 $5. T-10-B $1. T-10-C $2. T-14 $1. T-15 $2. T-16-H $3. T-16-L $2. T-17-G $2.

T-17-H $3. T-17-L $2. T-20-K $2. T-21-H $3. T-23 $1. T-25 $2. T-26-H $3. T-27-H $3.

T-28-L $1. T-29-L $3. T-30-L $4. T-31 $2. T-34 $2. T-35 $5. T-39 $2. T-42 $1. T-44 $2.

T-44-K $2. T-46 $2. T-57 $2. T-79 $1. T-90 $1.

Gilbert & Barker Parts Breakdown - T-1 $1. T-3 $1. T-4 $1. T-5 $. T-6 $1. T-8 $2.50. T-9 $1.

T-10 $1. T-11 $1. T-15 $1. T-16 $1. T-17 $1. T-19 $1. T-20-K $1. T-21-H $2. T-22 $1.

T-25 $1. T-28 (T-228) $1. T-29-L $1. T-30-L $1. T-33 $1. T-33-B (T-233-B) $1.

T-33-C (T-233-C) $1. T-34 $1. T-35 $2. T-40 $1. T-44 $1. T-45 (T-245) $1. T-55 (T-255) $2.

T-57 $1. T-92 (T-292) $1.

Gilbert & Barker T 8, 88 & others - Face - $15. Cast iron crank $50 with wood knob. Wood knob for crank $6. ID tag $10. "Patented" tag - NLA. Cast iron nozzle hanger $35. Brass banana nozzle with side tabs $95. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. "G & B" circular logo $10 stainless steel or $15 brass. Cast iron access door $45. Cast iron globe tower $210. Sales literature $5. Parts breakdown $2.50. "G & B" vinyl decal (5") $9.

Gilbert & Barker T 35, T 55, T 65, T66 (Pre visible) - Face - 6 1/2" with 4 mounting holes- $20. ID tag $10. "Patented" tag - NLA. Cast iron crank (handle) with wood knob $88. Brass banana nozzle with side tabs $95. Cast iron nozzle hanger (2pc) $50. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. "G & B" circular logo $10 stainless steel or $15 brass. Brass reset knob $30. Sales literature for T-35 $5. Parts breakdown for T-35 $2. "G & B" vinyl decal (5") $9.

Gilbert & Barker T 57 Gas Cart - Brass banana nozzle with side tabs $95. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. "G & B" circular logo $10 stainless steel or $15 brass. "G & B" vinyl decal (5") $9.

Gilbert & Barker T 67 - ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Correct style light box with hole for conduit - $22 each. Correct style insulator with light socket - $24 each. "G & B" circular logo $10 stainless steel or $15 brass. Color copy of sales brochure $8."G & B" vinyl decal (5") $9.

Gilbert & Barker T105, T106 (and others) - Faces - 9 1/2"with 3/16" center - $50/set. Hands $5 each. Cast iron face glass bezel $45 each. Face glass (no hole) $20. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass machined reset knob $12. "G & B" circular logo $10 stainless steel or $15 brass. "Motor" or "Tydol"or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $30 or cast iron $20. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. "G & B" vinyl decal (5") $9.

Gilbert & Barker T176, 177 & 178 - Cast iron jar lid $80. Cast iron handle - $105. Jar lid glass with wire $20 (6" square) or $28 (7" diam.). Gallon marker (not an exact copy of the original) $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Cast iron "GB" shut off valve arm $55. ID tag $12. "G & B" circular logo $10 stainless steel or $15 brass. Nozzle hanger with correct shape $12. "To Car, To Storage" Plate & Arrows $25. Decal - "To Car, To Storage" - $5/pair (specify red or white lettering). Correct style light box with hole for conduit - $42 each. Correct style insulator with light socket - $26 each. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. "G & B" vinyl decal (5") $9.

Gilbert & Barker T665 - Faces - Specify 10" or 11" dia. - $50/set. Hands $5 each. Cast iron face glass bezel $55 each. ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. "G & B" circular logo $10 stainless steel or $15 brass. "Motor" or "Tydol"or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $30 or cast iron $20. "G & B" vinyl decal (5") $9.

Groetken Visible Pumps - Cast iron handle $55. Cast iron light bulb holder (oval shape just like the originals) $35. Insulator and socket for light bulb holder (oval shape just like the originals) $26. Sales brochure $8. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

GYRO Air Compressors - Parts Breakdown for Models RA-14, RAP-14, RA-14B & RAB $8. Model RC-12 $8. RE-1 & RF-15 $8.

Hayes - Faces - 9" dia. with 3/16" center hole and 3 mounting holes. No totalizer hole. $50/set. Face glass with hole $33. Face glass without hole $16. ID tag $15. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass machined reset knob $12. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

Hayes Cash Recorder - Faces - 12 1/4" x 16 1/4" clock face with cutout on top for wheels $60/set. ID tag $15. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass machined reset knob $12. Price changing sign (3" x 8") $15. "Motor" or "Tydol" or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $30 or cast iron $20. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

Hayes Cash Recorder Model AX-500-C - Faces one 11" face and one 6" face per side $100/set of four. Hands $5 each. ID tag $15. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. "Motor" or "Tydol" or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $30 or cast iron $20. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

Hayes Cash Recorder Model AX-600-C - Faces 12 1/2" x 17 1/2" $75/set. Hands $5 each. ID tag $15. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. "Motor" or "Tydol" or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $30 or cast iron $20. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

Hayes/Wichita Visible Pump - Cast iron front door bezel $50. Cast iron front door $50. Sheet metal corners $28 ea. Complete handle & wing nut $89. Wing nut for handle (brass drilled/tapped) $28 or $25(cast iron drilled/tapped). Cast iron handle mount $42. Galvanized handle (pipe) $22. Cast iron nozzle hanger $25. Cast iron bonnet (bell shaped) with globe mount $180 or $195 for the bonnet with light shades (they are NOT intercangeable. Cast iron top cylinder ring $80. Cast iron "S" top ring retainer $80. ID tag (oval) $15. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Gallon marker (not an exact copy of the original) $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. Decals for etched cylinder look $40 for 2. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

Joy Pump - Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10.

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Magnolene Lubster lid - cast iron $45.

Martin & Schwartz Cash Recorder Model 50 - Faces one 11" and one 6" per side $100/set of four. Hands $5 each. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Parts breakdown $4.

Martin & Schwartz 60 & 65 - Faces - formed aluminum 12 3/8" high $50/set. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass ID tag $12. Parts breakdown $4.

Martin & Schwartz 70 - Faces - 13 3/4" x 16 1/2" formed aluminum - $60/set. Cast iron face bezel $55. Cast iron ad glass bezel $45. Polished stainless steel upper door spear (correct shape and not a Tokheim 36B trim as others offer) $20. Polished stainless steel lower door spear (correct shape and not a Tokheim 36B trim as others offer) $20. Reset crank $20 (left hand threads). Site Glass (not plastic) $15. Brass ID tag $12.

Martin & Schwartz 70 (Farm pump) - Face - 6" dia. with 2 mntg holes, black numbers on a white background - $20 each.

Martin & Schwartz 80 - Faces white powder coated, embossed & formed $55/set (these do not have a hole on top for the site glass). Door Rubber with rivets $25/door. Door glass with rubber $20 each. Brass ID tag - $12. Round aluminum ID tag $10. Reset crank $25 (die cast). Escutcheon plate $7. Site glass rubber - $3. Ad glass kit $55/pr. (crescent shaped glass & rubber) available in Mobilgas, Mobilgas Special, Fire Chief, & Blue Sunoco. Repair parts list for Wayne 80 (80 pp) - $24.

Martin & Schwartz 19, 19A, 129 & others - Faces 10" dia. with four mounting holes - $50/set. Faces - 11" dia. with each side having a different mounting hole pattern. "Red Seal" logo $50/set. Hands $5 each. Face glass bezel $20 each. Glass with hole $30. Face glass (no hole) $20. Cast iron light shade $50. ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass machined reset knob $12. "Motor" or "Tydol" or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $30 or cast iron $20. Parts breakdown $4. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

Martin & Schwartz Visible - Gallon marker (not an exact copy of the original) $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10.

Milwaukee Model 820 (non cash recording) - Faces - 12" x 15 7/8" $60/set. Brass "Milwaukee" emblem $35. Original style cast iron visi gauge (call for details). Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. ID tag $12. "Motor" or "Tydol" or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $30 or cast iron $20.

Milwaukee Cash Recorder Model 850 - Faces - one 11" and one 6" per side $100/set of four. Hands $5 each. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. ID tag $12. "Motor" or "Tydol" or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $30 or cast iron $20.

Milwaukee Cash Recorder Model 860- Faces - 12 1/2" x 15 7/8" clock face with cutouts on top for wheels; left & right edges formed down $85/set. Cast iron bezel $105 each. Brass "Milwaukee" emblem $35. Hands $5 each. Original style cast iron visi gauge (call for details).Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. ID tag $12. Price changing sign (3" x 8") $15. "Motor" or "Tydol" or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign -brass $30 or cast iron $20.

Milwaukee Cash Recorder Model 870 - Faces - 12 1/4" x 16 1/4" clock face with cutouts on top for wheels $85/set. Brass "Milwaukee" emblem $35. Hands $5 each. Original style cast iron visi gauge (call for details). Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. ID tag $12. Price changing sign (3" x 8") $15. "Motor" or "Tydol" or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $30 or cast iron $20.

Milwaukee - Faces - 11" diameter each side has a different mounting hole pattern. "Red Seal" logo $50/set. Hands $5 each. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass machined reset knob $12. ID tag $12. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

Milwaukee - Faces - 6" with 3 mounting holes $40/set. ID tag (brass) $10. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass machined reset knob $12. Cast iron nozzle holder $40. ID tag $12. "Motor" or "Tydol" or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $30 or cast iron $20.

Milwaukee Type 9 Long Distance Gasoline Outfit - Sales brochure $4. ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass banana nozzle with side tabs $95.

Milwaukee Type 11 Barrel Pump - Sales brochure $4. ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10.

Milwaukee Type 12 Oil Pump - Sales brochure $4. ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10.

Milwaukee Type 13 & 14 Oil Tank - Sales brochure $4. ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10.

Milwaukee Type 15 & 25 & 251 Outside Oil Storage Cabinet- Sales brochure $4. ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10.

Milwaukee Type 22 Portable Gasoline Wheel Tank - Sales brochure $4. Cast iron nozzle holder $40. ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass banana nozzle with hook or side tabs $95.

Milwaukee Type 23 Self-Measuring Cellar Outfit - Sales brochure $4. Cast iron nozzle holder $40. ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10.

Milwaukee Type 28 & 29 Battery Basement Outfit- Sales brochure $4. Cast iron nozzle holder $40. ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10.

Milwaukee Type 30 Long-Distance Quart Measuring Pump - Cast iron crank $45. Cast iron nozzle holder $40. Sales brochure $4. ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10.

Milwaukee Type 32 Long-Distance Inside Gasoline Pump - Cast iron crank $45. Cast iron nozzle holder $40. Sales brochure $4. ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass banana nozzle with hook or side tabs $95.

Milwaukee Type 37 Standard "Roadway" Filing Station Gasoline Pump - Cast iron crank $45. Cast iron nozzle holder $40. Sales brochure $4. ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass banana nozzle with hook or side tabs $95.

Milwaukee Type 39 Five Gallon Quick Return Gasoline Pump - Cast iron crank $45. Cast iron nozzle holder $40. Sales brochure $4. ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass banana nozzle with hook or side tabs $95.

Milwaukee Type 45 Inside Filing Station Gasoline Pump - Cast iron crank $45. Cast iron nozzle holder $40. Sales brochure $4. ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass banana nozzle with hook or side tabs $95.

Milwaukee Type 58-A & 58-B Visible Gasoline Pump with Power Pump and Motor (large bonnet) - Sales brochure $4. Gallon marker (not an exact copy of the original) $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10.

Milwaukee Type 62 & 63 Portable Wheels Tank - Cast iron nozzle holder $40. Sales brochure $4. ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass banana nozzle with hook or side tabs $95.

Milwaukee Type 251 Outside Oil Storage Tank - Sales brochure $4. ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10.

Milwaukee Type 361, 361-V, 362 & 364 - Faces - NLA. ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass machined reset knob $12. Cast iron glass bezel $45. Cast iron crank NLA. Cast iron nozzle hanger $40. Cast iron globe holder $50. Sales brochure $8 (361) or $4 (361-V) or $4 (362). Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

Milwaukee Type 401 Five Gallon Rapidelivery Gasoline Pump - Cast iron nozzle holder $40. Sales brochure $4. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass banana nozzle with hook or side tabs $95.

Milwaukee Type 581 Five Gallon Visible Air Operated(large bonnet) - Sales brochure $4. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass banana nozzle with hook or side tabs $95.

Milwaukee Type 582 Five Gallon Visible Attachment - Sales brochure $4. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass banana nozzle with hook or side tabs $95.

Milwaukee Type 583 10 Gallon Air Operated Gas Pump(large bonnet)- Sales brochure $4. Gallon marker (not an exact copy of the original) $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Jar lid glass with wire $25. ID tag $12. Underwriters' tag $10.

Milwaukee Type 626 Visible Pump - Cast iron "Gallons" cover $90. Cast iron handle $90. Gallon marker (not an exact copy of the original) $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Jar lid glass with wire $25. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Brass banana nozzle $95.

Milwaukee Type 1201 & 1401 Oil Tank - Sales brochure $4. ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10.

Milwaukee Type U753 & others - Faces 9" diameter - $50/set. Hands $5 each. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Sales brochure $4. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. ID tag $12.

Milwaukee 781 - Faces 9" diameter - $50/set. Hands $5 each. Cast iron light shade $50 each. ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Cast iron visi gauge - call for details.

Milwaukee 1010 Visible - Cast iron access door $25. Cast iron nozzle holder $60. Cast iron handle $90. Cast iron handle lock $40. Gallon marker (not an exact copy of the original) $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. ID tag $12 each. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Jar lid glass with wire $25. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Brass banana nozzle with hook or side tabs $95.

Moore & Kling Model S-450 CR - Faces - one 11" and one 6" per side $85/set of four. Hands $5 each. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10.

National 10 series - ID tag $12.

National A1 - Faces - 10 1/2" x 13 3/4" nine wheeled model - $50/set. ID tag $15. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Outer site glass NLA. Inner site glass NLA.

National A 38 - Faces - 9" x 12 1/2" red, black with gold border $50/set. Curved glass $50ea. Available in Fire Chief, Flying A, Pure, Pure Woco Pep, Mobilgas, Phillips 66 & Shell. Stainless ad glass curved side trim MADE CORRECTLY with tabs $10 each. Specify left or right side. Polished stainless steel lower ad glass trim $10 each. Steel channel for lower ad glass horizontal stainless trim $14 each. Site glass (not plastic) $15 each. Reset crank $20. Cast iron globe holder $50. ID tag $10. Sales brochure $15(8 pp). Sales brochure for EB-38 & FB-38 $4.

National A 62, 64-B,A360, A365- Curved advertising glass available in Fire Chief, Mobilgas, Shell, Flying A- $30 each. Rubber to install door glass $10 ea. Rubber to install ad glass $5 ea. Reset crank $20. Curved window glass $25 each. Polished stainless steel curved trim for ad glass $10 each. ID tag $10. Parts breakdown/instruction manual (34 bw pp.) $17 or 62-A & 64-B $9 (18pp). Sales brochure for "60" Series Pumps (4 color pp.) $8. Sales brochure for "60" Series Pumps dated 1949(6 color pp.) $12. Sales brochure for the 360, 365, 360 Twin and 69-C Pumps (4 color pp.) $8. Sales brochure for Tydol $4.

National Apex Model 30 - Faces - NLA. Hands $5 each. Brass reset knob $20. ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10.

National Apex 80 and early 90's - Faces - NLA. Face glass with hole $33. Face glass without hole $16. ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10.

National Apex 90 & 902- Faces - 10 3/8" dia., 3 hole mount, "Apex Meter Pump" in red & black- $50/set. Cast iron face glass bezel $50. Glass with hole $30. Face glass (no hole) $20. Hands $5 each. Brass reset knob $20 (correct shape). Brass machined reset knob(generic) $12. ID Tag (brass) $12. Nozzle receiver bezel $24. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. "Motor" or "Tydol" or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $30 or cast iron $20. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Parts breakdown $4.

National B1 - Faces - 9" x 12 1/2" $50/set. ID tag $15. UL tag $10. Outer site glass NLA. Inner site glass NLA. "Motor" or "Tydol" or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $30 or cast iron $20.

National B38 - Faces - NLA. ID tag $12.

National C-38 & CC-38 - Faces - 9" x 12 1/2" red, black with gold border $50/set. Site glass (not plastic) $15 each. ID tag $12. Sales brochure $5.

National Cash Recorder - Faces - one 11" and one 6" per side $100/set of four. Hands $5 each. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. "Motor" or "Tydol" or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $30 or cast iron $20.Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

National Duplex 50 & 51 - Faces - one 5 1/2" metal and one 8 3/16" styrene $50/set. Metal hand $5. ID Tag (brass) $15. "Keep Filter Clean" tag $18. Large bezel $55 (brass) or $37 (alum). Small bezel $45 (brass) or $33 (alum). Cast iron lower access door $50 (there are two sizes - call for more info). Gear cover $25. . Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Glass cylinder for visi $60. Spinner for visi $15 (stainless). Brass "National" nozzle $95. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Parts breakdown $8.

National N-500 Motor Farm Pump - 6" dia. with 2 mntg holes, black numbers on a white background $20 each. Sales brochure $4.

National Simplex 60 - Faces - One 5 3/8"metal & one 8 1/8" styrene face-$50/set. Brass hand $18. Brass reset $38. Metal hand (for large face) $5. Crank (with hex shaft, washer & wood knob) $100. ID Tag $15. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. "5 Gallon" tag (goes on lower sheet metal) $12. Large face bezel $40 (alum.) or $60 (brass). Small face bezel $30 (alum.) or $40 (brass). Small face glass with hole - $20. Large face glass without hole $20. Original style cast iron visi gauge (call for details). Glass cylinder for visi gauge $38. Spinner for visi (not an exact copy) $15 (stainless). Cast iron globe holder $60. "National" nozzle $95. Bronze handle for sliding door $20. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

National Visi bowl Model 70 - Dial buttons (1-10) in bronze $120/set. Dial crank in bronze $65. Dial ring casting NLA. Cast iron valve handle NLA. Color copy of sales brochure $16 (8pp). Parts breakdown $4. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Brass banana nozzle $95.

National Visi bowl Model 710, 708 & 705 - Parts breakdown $4. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Brass banana nozzle $95.

National 409 Visible - Cast iron handle $95. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Brass banana nozzle $95.

Neptune - Faces - 11" dia. Each side has diff. mntg pattern, "Red Seal" logo. $50/set. Face glass bezels $30/set. ID tag $12 each. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass machined reset knob $12. Rod mounted price box $50.

Neptune Cash Recorder - Faces - one 11" and one 6" per side $85/set of four. Hands $5 each. ID tag $12 each. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

Neptune Red Seal Clock face - Faces - 12" x 15 11/16". Each side has a different mounting pattern $50/set. ID tag $12 each. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass machined reset knob $12. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

Neptune (Red Seal) Model 855 - Faces - 12 1/2" x 16 1/2" formed with 3 5/8" hole $60/set. Polished stainless steel trim bars for ad glass and main window $6 each. Site glass retainer $28. ID tag $12 Parts breakdown $10. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

Nozzles - banana style brass $95. Specify 3/4" or 1" opening. Specify side tab or hook style.

Ottawa Visble -

Penn-O-Meter - Faces - 9" dia., 3/16" center hole with 3 mounting holes $50/set OR 9 3/8" dia., 3/4" center hole with 4 mounting holes $50/set (white). Face glass bezel (11 5/8" OD) $45. ID tag $12 (brass). Cast iron nozzle fork and bezel $50. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. "Motor" or "Tydol" or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $30 or cast iron $20. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

Pennsylvania - Faces - 9" dia., 3/16" center hole with 3 mounting holes $50/set. Face glass bezel (11 5/8" OD) $45. Hands $5 each. ID tag $12 (brass). Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass machined reset knob $12."Motor" or "Tydol" or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $30 or cast iron $20. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

Pennsylvania Cash Recorder Model A100 - Faces - one 11" and one 6" per side $100/set of four. Hands $5 each. ID tag $10 (brass). Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. "Motor" or "Tydol" or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $30 or cast iron $20.

Pittsburgh - Faces - 8" dia. faces with three mounting holes $50/set. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10.Brass machined reset knob $12. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

Porcelain light sockets set up for 1/2" conduit $10 each or with pigtails $6 each.

Powell valve lever arm - cast iron $35 or $40 in bronze.

Price box for Visible Pumps - Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Powder coated black with glass panels and three different price cards.

Rapidayton Cut 14 & 16 - Faces - 4 7/16" dia. with 3 mounting holes and red arrow $40/set. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass machined reset knob $12. Cast iron globe holder $50. Brass banana nozzle with hook or side tabs $95.

Rapidayton Cut ? - Faces - 5 11/16" dia. with 3/8" center hole and red arrow $40/set. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass machined reset knob $12. Cast iron globe holder $50. Brass banana nozzle with hook or side tabs $95.

Rapidayton Cash Recorder Model 1000-C - Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10.

Rapidayton Cut 25 - Faces - 5 5/8" NLA. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass hand $25. Cast brass reset knob $25. Cast iron face bezel $45. Cast iron globe holder $50. Cast iron handle $60. Cast iron totalizer cover $30. Brass banana nozzle with hook or side tabs $95.

Rapidayton Cut 50 - Faces - 7" dia.NLA. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Cast brass hand $25. Cast iron globe holder $50. Cast iron handle $50. Cast iron totalizer cover $30. Brass banana nozzle with hook or side tabs $95.

Rapidayton Cut 200, 300 series & 450 - Face - shaped like a key hole NLA. Crank (handle) for rotary pump NLA. Cast iron drain back assembly (4 pc needs some drilling) NLA. Cast iron handle & retaining knob for 450 - Call for pricing. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass banana nozzle $95.

Rapidayton Cut 500 "Bellboy" - Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Cast iron face bezel $50. Cast reset knob $25. Cast iron handle $55. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Brass banana nozzle $95.

Rapidayton Cut 600, 625 & 650 - Cast iron handle $75. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Cast iron drain back assembly (4 pc needs some drilling) $125. Cast iron nozzle hanger $35. Rod mounted price box $50. Cast iron jar lid $85. Jar lid glass with wire (6 1/2" diam.) $20. Cast iron ring for wire glass $35. Parts breakdown for 650 - $5.

Rapidayton Cut 900 - Faces - 10" dia. clock face, 3/16" center hole with 3 mounting holes $50/set. Face glass with hole $33. Face glass without hole $16. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass machined reset knob $12. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

Rapidayton Cut 1420 & 1420-C - Faces - NLA. Hands $5 each. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10.

Revere Electric Co. - Brass oval ID tag $10.

Rheem-Bennett - Faces - 12" diameter with 3 mounting holes $45/set. See Bennett 132 or Bennett 150 for more parts.

Go to Top

Rush Cash Recorder Model MC - Faces - one 11" and one 6" per side $100/set of four. Hands $5 each. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10.

Rush M-1 & M-2 - Faces - 11" diameter clock face. Each side has different mounting pattern, "Red Seal" logo - $50/set. Hands $5 each. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

Rush Visible - Gallon marker (not an exact copy of the original) $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. ID tag $20. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10.

Saint Louis Pump Figure 402 & 403 - Cast iron handle $75. Sales brochure $2. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Gallon marker (not an exact copy of the original) $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

Saint Louis Pump Figure 409 - Cast iron handle $95. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Gallon marker (not an exact copy of the original) $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

Samsco Cash Recorder - one 11" face and one 6" face per side $100/set of four. Hands $5 each. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10.

Sel-Oil - Oval ID tag $20.

Service Station Equipment - See Bennett for a more complete listing.

Service Station Equipment - 135, 145, 155 & 165 - Parts breakdown/instruction manual (12 bw pp.) $4. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10.

Sharmeter - Faces - 9" diameter with 3/16" center hole, red logo, black numbers on a white background $50/set. Neptune decals available separately - $1 each. Hands $5 each. Brass ID tag $12. Cast iron light shade $50. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass machined reset knob $12. "Motor" or "Tydol" or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $30 or cast iron $20. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

Sharmeter Cash Recorder Model MA-1936 - Hands $5 each. Brass ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Price changing sign (3" x 8") $15. "Motor" or "Tydol" or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $30 or cast iron $20. Parts breakdown $5.

Sharmeter Cash Recorder Model MA-37 - Hands $5 each. Brass ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Price changing sign (3" x 8") $15. "Motor" or "Tydol" or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $30 or cast iron $20. Parts breakdown $5.

Sharmeter 513 & 523 - Faces - 9" diameter with 3/16" center hole, red logo, black numbers on a white background $50/set. Neptune decals available separately - $1 each. Hands $5 each. Cast iron face bezel $75. Cast iron light shade $50. ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. "Motor" or "Tydol" or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $30 or cast iron $20. Parts breakdown $5

Sharmeter Cash Recorder Model MA-350 - Faces - two 11" faces per side $100/4 faces. Hands $5 each. Brass ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. "Motor" or "Tydol" or "Hi-Speed" sign $34 brass or $20 cast iron. " Regular or Shell or Ethyl or Ethylgas" sign - brass $30 or cast iron $20. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

Shotwell - See Bennett Shotwell.

Site Glass Assembly(generic) - Cast aluminum top and bottom with a 3 1/2" x 5" glass cylinder. Red, powder coated spinner. Brass rods and acorn nuts. Available with one inch N.P.T. inlet and outlet - $160.

Smithway - Site glass for L1 pumps - NLA. ID tag $12 each.

Southwest OK & OK 7 Visible - Brass ID tag $15. Gallon marker (not an exact copy of the original) $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10.

Southwest 40 & 45 - Faces - $60/set. Site glass (not plastic) $25. ID tag $12.

Southwest Model 70 & 72 - Southwest emblem (SW with an arrow) cast brass - NLA

Southwest Model 90 - Faces - 10" x 16" face with round cutout at the top - Out of stock. ID tag $12.

Southwest Model 512, 612, 712 & 812 - Faces (11 5/8" x 8 1/4") $50/set. Cast iron front glass bezel $50 ea. Site glass bezel (812 only) $30 cast iron or $40 brass. Site glass (not plastic) $25. ID tag $12.

Starkey Coin Operated Visible - Cast iron lower door $100. Upper door knob & cam $45. Lower door knob & cam $45. Brass "Directions" tag $60. Brass ID tag $25. Call about other parts you need.

Tokheim Cut 15 Gas Cart - Brass banana nozzle with side tabs $95. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Tokheim decal(10") $6.

Tokheim Cut 26 or 27 "Long Distance Gas Pump" - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Model 101-105 Gas Pump - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 103 Gas Pump - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 125 "Sidewalk Oil Pump" - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 126 Barrel Pump - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 132 Oil Cabinet - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 134 Oil Pump - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 142 Oil Pump - Color sales brochure $4. Sales brochure for Gulf Oil $2. Sales brochure for Shell Petroleum Corp.$2.

Tokheim Cut 150 or 153 "Hi-Way" Visible Gas Pump - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 160 Oil Pump - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 171 Oil Pump - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 174 Oil Pump - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 178 Oil Pump - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 199, 200 & 225 Victory Visible Gas Pump - Color sales brochure $4. "Victory Visible" decal for upper sheet metal $30 ea. white lettering. Round "Tokheim" decal for lower sheet metal - NLA. Discharge valve lever (alum) $25. Parts breakdown $5. Sales Bulletin $5. Sales Bulletin (second variation in color) $8.

Tokheim Model 201-205 Gas Pump - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 204 or 205 Gas Pump - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 207 or 208 Oil Cart - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 210 or 211 Oil Cart - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Model 211-215 Gas Pump - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 214 Gas Cart - 3 3/8" dia. white face with black lettering and 4 mounting holes $20. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 235 or 236 Oil Pump - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 238 Grease Pump - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 250 - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 255 Gas Pump - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 256 Oil Pump - Brass gallon selector knob $28. Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 270 Oil Pump & Tank - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 280 - Sales brochure $7. Cast iron handle $70. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Brass banana nozzle with hook or side tabs $95.

Tokheim Cut 290 - Sales brochure $8. Sales brcochure for Gulf Oil $8. Cast iron handle$70. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Brass $95.

Tokheim Cut 299 Kerosene Storage Unit - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 325 & 326 Gas Pump - Brass gallon selector knob $28. Color Sales brochure $5.

Tokheim Cut 330 Portable Oil Tank with Visible Attachment - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 340 Portable Two Compartment Oil Tank with Visible Attachment - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 341 Portable Oil Storage Unit made for Pure Oil Company - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 350 Double Discharge Gas Pump - Color sales brochure $5.

Tokheim Cut 353 Portable Oil Storage Unit with Three Compartment Tank and Visible Attachment- Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 355 Portable Oil Storage Unit made for Magnolia Oil Company - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 356 Portable Oil Storage Unit made for Magnolia Oil Company(dual compartment) - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 357 Portable Oil Storage Unit made for Magnolia Oil Company(triple compartment) - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 378 Kerosene Storage Tank made for Gulf Oil - Color sales brochure $4. Sales brochure for Shell Petroleum Corp.$2.

Tokheim Cut 380 Oil Storage Tank - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 381 Kerosene Storage Tank - Color sales brochure $4. Sales brochure for Shell Petroleum Corp. $2.

Tokheim Cut 395 & 396 Air & Water Towers - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 423 Portable Oil Storage Unit(double compartment with visible attachment) - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 424 Portable Oil Storage Unit(double compartment) - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 433, 437, 438, 443 Oil Storage Unit - Color sales brochure $4. Sales brochure for Shell Petroleum Corp. $2.

Tokheim Cut 440 Portable Oil Storage Unit(triple compartment with visible attachment) - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 441 Oil Storage Unit made for Standard Oil of Indiana - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 443-438 Oil Storage Unit - color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 446 Oil Storage Unit - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 447 Visible Bottle Attachment for Lubricating Oil Equipment - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 454 Long-Distance Measuring Pump - Sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 460-461 Portable Oil Storage Unit - Color sales brochure $4. Sales brochure for Shell Petroleum Corp. $2.

Tokheim Cut 463 & 464 Oil Storage Unit - Color sales brochure $4. Sales brochure for Shell Petroleum Corp. $2.

Tokheim Cut 463, 464, 465 Portable Oil Storage Units made for Deepwater Oil Refineries of Houston, Texas - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 466 & 467 Oil Storage Unit - Color sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Cut 480 Visible Gas Pump - Color sales brochure $8. Cast iron handle $70. Gallon marker (not an exact copy of the original) $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Tokheim decal(10") $6.

Tokheim Cut 500 Visible Gas Pump - Color sales brochure $8. Cast iron handle $70. Gallon marker (not an exact copy of the original) $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Tokheim decal(10") $6.

Tokheim Cut 505 Visible Gas Pump - Color sales brochure $8. Gallon marker (not an exact copy of the original) $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Tokheim decal(10") $6.

Tokheim Cut 600 Visible Gas Pump - Sales brochure $8. Gallon marker (not an exact copy of the original) $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Correct style light box with hole for conduit - $42 each. Correct style insulator with light socket - $26 each. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Brass banana nozzle with hook or side tabs $95. Tokheim decal (10") $6.

Tokheim Cut 605 Visible Gas Pump - Sales brochure $8. Gallon marker (not an exact copy of the original) $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Correct style light box with hole for conduit - $42 each. Correct style insulator with light socket - $26 each. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Brass banana nozzle with hook or side tabs $95. Tokheim (10") $6.

Tokheim Cut 610 Visible Gas Pump with Dry Hose - Sales brochure $10. Cast iron handle $70. Gallon marker (not an exact copy of the original) $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Correct style light box with hole for conduit - $42 each. Correct style insulator with light socket - $26 each. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Brass banana nozzle with hook or side tabs $95. Complete cast iron drain back assembly (NOT A Wayne like others are selling) $75. Cast iron drain back lid (flipper) $25. Tokheim decal (10") $6.

Tokheim Cut 620 & 620-B with Wet Hose - Sales brochure $8(4pp) or $4(1p). Sales brochure for Shell Petroleum Corp. $4. Gallon marker (not an exact copy of the original) $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Cast iron jar lid $80. Cast iron handle $70. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Correct style light box with hole for conduit - $42 each. Correct style insulator with light socket - $26 each. Brass banana nozzle with hook or side tabs $95. Cast iron drain back assembly (NOT A Wayne) $65. Cast iron drain back lid (flipper) $25. Cast iron base $160. Tokhem decal (10") $6.

Tokheim Cut 625 & 626-B Visible Gas Pumps with Wet Hose - Sales brochure $8 Sales brochure for Shell Petroleum Corp.$4. Gallon marker (not an exact copy of the original) $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Correct style light box with hole for conduit - $42 each. Correct style insulator with light socket - $26 each. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Brass banana nozzle with hook or side tabs $95. Cast iron drain back assembly (NOT A Wayne) $65. Cast iron drain back like (flipper) $25. Tokheim decal (10") $6.

Tokheim Cut 632, 633, 634, 636 - Parts breakdown/instruction manual (8 bw pp.) $3. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Tokheim (10") $6.

Tokheim Cut 650 - faces & tags NLA. Hand $5. Sales brochure $8. Sales brochure for Shell Petroleum Corp. $4. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass banana nozzle with hook or side tabs $95. Tokheim (10") $6.

Tokheim Cut 660 Visible Gas Pump - Sales brochure $8. Sales brochure for Shell Petroleum Corp. $4. Cast iron handle $70. Gallon marker (not an exact copy of the original) $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Correct style light box with hole for conduit - $42 each. Correct style insulator with light socket - $26 each. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Brass banana nozzle with hook or side tabs $95. Tokheim (10") $6.

Tokheim Cut 665 Visible Gas Pump - Sales brochure $8. Sales brochure for Shell Petroleum Corp. $4. Gallon marker (not an exact copy of the original) $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Correct style light box with hole for conduit - $42 each. Correct style insulator with light socket - $26 each. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Brass banana nozzle with hook or side tabs $95. Tokheim decal (10") $6.

Tokheim Cut 700 Visible Gas Pump - Sales brochure $8. Gallon marker (not an exact copy of the original) $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Brass banana nozzle with hook or side tabs $95. Tokheim decal (10") $6.

Tokheim Cut 850 & 950 - Faces - 12 3/4" dia. 3 colors - red & black with "Tokheim" in gold $55/set or all black numbers & letters $50/set. Hands $5 ea. Bezels include the outside & inside steel rings MADE LIKE THE ORIGINALS (not flat inside rings like others are selling) $105/4 pcs. or with chrome plated outer bezels $190/set. Stainless steel slotted bezel bolt $40/set of 12. Each bolt consists of 3 pieces. Face glass $20 each. Reset handle (for 3/8" shaft) brass $26. Reset knob for 950 with hex shaft $40 in bronze. Hose hook (switch lever) bronze $30. Visi-gauge sheet metal cover - NLA. Inner glass for visi $20. Outer glass for visi $40. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass acorn nuts for bonnet $3 each. Sales brochure for round body $8 (4 color pp.) or square body $2. Sales brochure for Shell Petroleum Corp. $4. Sales brochure for Standard Oil Company of Indiana $8. Sales brochure for Cut 950 $8. Sales brochure for "Twin" Pump $4 Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Parts breakdown $16 (43pp). Tokheim decal (10") $6.

Tokheim Cut 870, 870-A - Faces - 11 1/2" x 13 1/2" rectangular face, rounded corners, white background with red and black numbers, "Tokheim" in gold- $60/set. Hands $5 each. Inner glass for visi $20. Outer glass for visi $40. Face glass bezel (cast iron) $75. Glass for bezel $20 each. Bronze reset knob for hex shaft $40. Steel sheet metal latch with two brass studs $8. Brass sheet metal latch with two brass studs $12. Sales brochure for 870 (4 color pp.) $10. Sales brochure for 870-A (1 color) $4. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Parts breakdown $8. Tokheim decal (10") $6.

Tokheim Cut 871 - Faces - $50/set. Cast iron bezel $60 each. Hands $6 each. ID tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Inner glass for visi $20. Outer glass for visi $40. Parts breakdown $8. Tokheim decal (10") $6.

Tokheim Cut 890 & 891 - See the Tokheim 850 above for most parts. Sales brochure for conversion to an 890 $2.Sales brochure for conversion to an 891 $2.

Tokheim Cut 950 - see 850 for most parts. Sales brochure (4 color pp.) $8. Tokheim decal (10") $6.

Tokheim Model 34 - Faces - 11 5/16 x 14 7/16" with rounded corners & six wheel computer - $50/set. Cast iron glass bezel $75. Reset crank $20. ID tag $10. Nozzle holder (fork) $60. Nozzle receiver bezel $24. Inner glass for visi $20. Outer glass for visi $38. Access door & knob $65. Steel sheet metal latch with two brass studs $8. Brass sheet metal latch with two brass studs $12. Cast iron base $160. Sales brochure (4 color pp) $8. Parts breakdown $5. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Tokheim decal (10") $6.

Tokheim Model 34 - Faces for six wheel computer using stair steps on each side - NLA . Stair steps $28/4 pcs. Cast iron glass bezel $75. Reset crank $20. ID tag $10. Nozzle holder (fork) $60. Nozzle receiver bezel $24. Inner glass for visi $20. Outer glass for visi $40. Access door & knob $65. Steel sheet metal latch with two brass studs $8. Brass sheet metal latch with two brass studs $12. Cast iron base $160. Sales brochure (4 color pp) $8. Parts breakdown $5. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Tokheim decal(10") $6.

Tokheim Model 34 - Faces - 11 5/16" x 14 1/2" with rounded corners & 9 wheel computer - $50/set. Stair steps $28/4 pcs. Cast iron glass bezel $75. Reset crank $20. ID tag $10. Nozzle holder (fork) $60. Nozzle receiver bezel $24. Inner glass for visi $20. Outer glass for visi $40. Access door & knob $65. Steel sheet metal latch with two brass studs $10. Brass sheet metal latch with two brass studs $14.Cast iron base $160. Sales brochure (4 color pp) $8. Parts breakdown $5. Tokheim decal (10") $6.

Tokheim Model 36 - Faces - 10 3/4" x 13 1/4" - $50/set. Upper stainless trim (with studs) -$15 ea. Stair steps $28/4. Lower access door $15 each (steel) or $17.50 each (stainless). Reset crank $20. Nozzle holder (fork) $60. Lower stainless steel trim pieces (these are 36B style) $150/8 pcs made like the originals with BRACKETS not studs as others sell OR steel $100/8 pcs. ID tag $10. Inner glass for visi $20. Outer glass for visi $40. Steel sheet metal latch with two brass studs $10. Brass sheet metal latch with two brass studs $14. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Tokheim decal (10") $6.

Tokheim Model 36 A.D.C.(display case) - Faces - $55/set. Stainless upper nameplate trim (with vertical ribs) $10 each. Lower access doors $15 each (steel) or $17.50 each (stainless steel). ID tag $10. Polished stainless steel display case top corner covers NLA (needs four). Brass latches & hinges - call for details. Stainless steel display case shelf clips $2.50 each. Display case window material - one set left! Call for details. Sales brochure(1 color) $2. Tokheim decal(10") $6.

Tokheim Model 36B - Faces - 10 3/4" x 14 3/4" faces $55/set. Site glass bezel $22 polished. Metal spinner $3 each unpolished. Stair steps - $20/set of four. "Tokheim" stainless nameplates (with studs) $20 each. Polished stainless steel nozzle bezel $15 each. Lower access doors (steel) $15 each. Stainless steel access doors $17.50 each. Lower stainless trim pieces $150/8 pcs made like the originals with BRACKETS not studs as others sell OR steel $100/8 pcs. Reset crank $20. Nozzle holder (fork) $40 (see the "Featured Items" page for a photo). ID tag $10. "Stationliter" tag NLA. Ad glass $18 each. Steel sheet metal latch with two brass studs $10. Brass sheet metal latch with two brass studs $14. Long stainless steel corner trim $25 each (used by Gulf and others). Parts breakdown/instruction manual (20 bw pp.) $7. Sales brochure (4 color pp.) $8. Sales brochure for "Stationliter" ( 4 color pp.) $8. Sales brochure for Tidewater Oil Company (4 color pp.) $8. Stainless steel center strip for the Twin Unit Moneymaker $41 each. Tokheim decal (10") $6.

Tokheim Model 36B-DP - Faces - 12 1/4" x 14 7/8" clock face with red & black numbers - $55/set. "Tokheim" stainless nameplates (with studs) $20 each. Side face trim $20/4pcs. Hands $5 each. Site glass bezel $30 polished. Metal spinner $3 each $6 each polished. Lower access doors $15 each (steel) or $17.50 each (stainless steel).Lower stainless trim pieces $150/8 pcs made like the originals with BRACKETS not studs as others sell OR steel $100/8 pcs. ID tag $10. "Stationliter" tag NLA. Bronze reset knob for hex shaft $45. Nozzle holder (fork) $30. Steel sheet metal latch with two brass studs $10. Brass sheet metal latch with two brass studs $14. Parts breakdown/instruction manual (20 bw pp.) $7. Tokheim decal(10") $6.

Tokheim Model 37 - Reset crank $20. ID tag $10. Sales brochure (4 color pp.) $8. Tokheim decal (10") $6.

Tokheim Model 39 - Faces for tall 39- formed aluminum with circular hole - $60/set. Site glass $30 each. Site glass bezel $22 each. Metal spinner $3ea. Reset crank $25. Door hinge (drilled & tapped) - $15 ea. ID tag $12 (raised edge). "Stationliter" tag NLA. Window glass for 39 'short' (flat with rounded corners 9 3/4 " x 15 1/8") with rubber $25 each. Ad glass (curved or flat) $18 each. Stainless steel nozzle bumper (scuff) plate $8. Parts breakdown instruction manual 39-A,39-B,39A-P, 39B-P $9; 39A-RC, 39AP-RC,39B-RC, 39BP-RC $15; 39 Hi-Speed Computer $11; 39-L-HR $9; 39-L-RA $16; 39-L-RA & 39-L-EZ $14.Sales brochure (4 color pp.) $8. Sales brochure for "Stationliter" (4 color pp.) $8. Sales brochure for "Tidewater Special Pump" (2 color pp.) $4. Sales brochure for 39-HR (Hose Reel) Pump (2 color pp.)$4. Sales brochure for 39 NAP (no advertising glass) Pump (aka Lo-Boy) $4. Sales brochure for 39 HS (high speed, Low Boy) Pump (4 color pp.) $8. Sales brochure for 39L-EZ (4 color pp.) $8. Sales brochure for 39L-RA (4 color pp.) $8. Sales brochure for 39-L HR Lo-boy (4 color pp.) $8. Sales brochure for 39 L-EP (2 color pp.) $4. Sales brochure for 39 L-RP (1 page) $2. Sales brochure for 39 A and B Lo-Boy Pumps (6 color pp.) $12. Sales brochure for 39A Twin Lo-Boy Twin Pumps (4 color pp.) $8.

Tokheim Model 39 DP (clock face) - Faces - NLA. Hands $5 each. Site glass bezel $22 each. Reset crank $25. Door hinge - $25 ea. ID tag $12 (raised edge). "Stationliter" tag NLA. Window glass with rubber $25 each. Parts breakdown/instruction manual (28 bw pp.) $8.

Tokheim Model 40 (Farm pump) - Face - 6" dia. with 2 offset mntg holes$20 each. Glass with hole $20. Brass machined reset knob $12. ID tag $12. Parts break down for the meter (clock)$8. Face glass with hole - NLA. Parts breakdown $5. Tokheim decal (10") $6.

Tokheim Model 45 & 46 Commercial Pumps - Sales brochure (6pp 8 1/2" x 11") $12 or $3 Model 46H(7 1/2" x 4 1/4"). Parts breakdown $8 (specify 45-H orRCP-PT or RCP). Tokheim decal (10") $6.

Tokheim Model 48 Power Pump - Polished stainless steel nozzle bezel $15 each. ID tag $12. Parts breakdown $8. Tokheim decal(10") $6.

Tokheim Model 86 (Farm pump) - Polished stainless steel nozzle bezel $15 each. ID tag $12. Parts breakdown $8. Tokheim decal(10") $6.

Tokheim Model 90 Automatic Degree-Day Recorder - Sales Brochure $8.

Tokheim Model 98 Lubar - (For Oil Display and Storage) - Sales Brochure $3.

Tokheim Model 300, 305 - Curved window glass $25 each. Rubber to install door glass $8 ea. Rubber to install ad glass $6 ea. ID tag - $12. Curved ad glass $18 each. Hose outlet grommet $6. Reset crank $25 each. Parts breakdown/instruction manual (34 bw pp.) $12. Sales brochure (8 color pp.) $16. Sales brochure for 300-HS (High Speed) $8.

Tokheim Model 325 Parkway (dual dispenser) - Sales brochure (4 color pp.) $8.

Tokheim Model 350 Twin Pumps - Sales brochure (4 color pp.) $8.

Tokheim Model 444 Long-Distance Measuring Pump - Sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Model 483-G & 483-K Measuring Pump - Sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Model 484 Measuring Pump - Sales brochure $4.

Tokheim Model 800 (commercial pump) - Face - 8" dia.with three mounting holes $20 each. Face glass $10. Brass reset knob $40. Steel sheet metal latch with two brass studs $8. Brass sheet metal latch with two brass studs $12. Sales brochure (1 color) $2. ID Tag $12. Tokheim decal(10") $6.

Tokheim Model 875 - Faces - 9 1/4"x 10 1/4" corners 'notched out' $50/set. Large head corner trim bolts $2.25 in stainless or $2 in brass. ID Tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Tokheim decal(10") $6.

Tokheim Model 876 GOC - Sales brochure (2 color pp.) $4. Large head corner trim bolts $2.25 in stainless or $2 in brass. ID tag $10. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Tokheim decal(10") $6.

Tokheim Model 901 Power Pack Tank Truck Pump - Sales literature $3.

Tokheim Filling Station Plans - 12 pages (color & b/w) $14.

Tokheim Victory Visible Gas Pump Cut 199, 200 & 225 - Color sales brochure $4. "Victory Visible" decal for upper sheet metal $30 ea. Cast iron handle $70. Underwriters' $10.

"Underwriters' Laboratories" tag - specify "Visible" or "Power Operated" or "Hand Operated" or "Discharge For Hazardous Fluids"- $10.

Veeder-Root Computer Decals - $12/set. Use these to restore your computer wheels. Specify white or silver or gold background color.

Visible Pump Company (Findlay, Ohio) - Lower access door $50.

Visi-gauge Assembly(generic) - Cast aluminum top and bottom with a 3 1/2" x 5" glass cylinder. Red, powder coated spinner. Brass rods and acorn nuts. Available with one inch N.P.T. inlet and outlet $160.

Wall Sconces cast aluminum with 6" fitter $185. Black powder coated steel strap type $50. Mini size sconce with 3" fitter to accept the mini globes $155. For pictures please go to Globes

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Wayne - "The Complete Wayne Line" color sales brochure (8 pp.) covers 70, 100A, 100B, 300, 301, Pump Lights, Air Compressors, Hoists etc. $16.

Wayne 10, 11 & 12 - Face - 12 3/8" x 7 1/4" white with black lettering $20. ID tag $10. Parts breakdown (23pp) $8 . "Wayne" decal (7") $5.

Wayne 40 - Faces - 7 3/8" x 8 3/4" $50/set. Cast iron front/rear glass bezel - NLA. Small bezel for price wheels $10. Brass control lever $50. ID tag (3" X 5") $15. Light shade (alum.) $35. Trapezoidal "Discharge" tag $12. Trapezoidal "Wayne" tag $15. Reset crank $20. Spinner for visi gauge $38. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Front/rear sheet metal panel with "+" slot $45 each. Stainless steel twist fastener (not aluminum as others are selling) complete with spring, washer & cotter pin $3.50 each. Stainless steel protective trim pieces for the twist fasteners $1 ea. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. "Wayne" decal (7") $5. Parts breakdown $5.

Wayne 40A & 45 - Faces - 9 3/4" x 11 3/8" $50/set. Cast iron front/rear glass bezel - NLA. Reset crank $20. Control lever (fork) $50 (brass) or $35 (aluminum). ID Tag (3" x 5") $15. Trapezoidal shaped "Discharge" tag $12. Trapezoidal "Wayne" tag $15. Spinner for visi gauge $42.Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Front/rear sheet metal panel with "+" slot $45 each. Stainless steel twist fastener (not aluminum as others are selling) complete with spring, washer & cotter pin $3.50 each. Stainless steel protective trim pieces for the twist fasteners $1 ea. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. "Wayne" decal (7") $5. Parts breakdown (40A) $5.

Wayne 50 - Faces - specify 6 or 9 wheels NLA. Cast iron front/rear glass bezel - NLA. Reset crank $18 unplated or $38 chrome plated. Control lever (fork) brass $45. Stainless steel corner trim for shelf brackets NLA. Shelf Support (brass) $45. Shelf support rod flange (machined brass) $25. Shelf clips (stainless steel) $4 ea. Trapezoidal "Wayne" tag $15. ID tag $10. Sight glass - NLA. Bezel bolt (large head) $2.50 ea. specify brass or stainless. Small flat head slotted bolt for display case window frames $2.25 ea. specify brass or stainless. Stainless steel twist fastener (not aluminum as others are selling) complete with spring, washer & cotter pin $3.50 each. Stainless steel protective trim pieces for the twist fasteners $1 ea. Display case window rubber (channel) $2.50/ft. Machined brass door knob $22. "Wayne" decal (7") $5. Parts $5.

Wayne 56, 65, 66 & 60A - Color copy of sales brochure $4.

Wayne 60 - Faces - aluminum $45/set or $50/set powder coated. "Wayne" chrome nameplate - rectangular shape - $20 each. These will fit unlike the ones others are selling. Polished stainless steel sunburst - $15. Bezel bolt (large flat head) $2.80 ea. specify stainless steel or brass (8 needed per pump). Shoulder bolt (small flat head) $2.25 ea. specify brass or stainless (six needed per pump) . Sight glass - NLA. Metal spinner $3 ea. Control lever/switch (fork) $35 aluminum, brass $45 specify wide body or narrow body. Nozzle lever (spoon) $20 (alum) or $28 (brass). Reset crank $18 unplated or $38 chrome plated. Clock face conversion kit $100 (frames, 3 color faces & hands). Front/rear sheet metal panel with "+" slot and reinforcement at the top $45 each. Machined alum. door hinge $30 ea (you won't break this one). Stainless steel nozzle bezel $15. Stainless steel twist fastener (not aluminum as others are selling) complete with spring, washer & cotter pin $3.50 each. Stainless steel protective trim pieces for the twist fasteners $1 ea. ID tag $10. Brass door knob(2 pc) for display case $24. Parts breakdown/instruction manual (12 bw pp.) $4. "Wayne" decal (7") $5. Color copy of sales brochure (hinged doors) $2.

Wayne 60-S (Display Case) - see Wayne 60 for primary parts. Display case brass door knob (two pc) $20. Shelf clips (stainless steel) $4 each. Machined alum. door hinge $30 ea (you won't break this one). "Wayne" decal (7") $5. Parts $5. Color copy of sales brochure $2.

Wayne 65-S (Double Display Case) - see Wayne 60 for primary parts. Color copy of sales brochure $2.

Wayne 70 & 71 - Faces - white powder coated $50/set. Door latch spring (double loop) $4.50 each. Rubber to install door glass $4 ea. Rubber to install ad glass $3 ea. Polished stainless "Wayne" nameplate (etched) $10. Reset crank $18 unplated or $38 chrome plated. ID tag $10. Sight glass (not plastic) $15. Wide site glass (3.5" flange) NLA. Metal spinner $3 ea. Nozzle lever (spoon) $20 (alum) or $28 (brass). Stainless steel nozzle bezel $15. Side panel retaining clips $2 each. Shelf support rod flange (machined brass) $30. Shelf Support for 71 (brass) $45. Parts breakdown/instruction manual (18 bw pp.) $6. Color sales brochure (8 pp.) covers 70, 100A, 100B, 300, 301, Pump Lights, Air Compressors, Hoists etc. $16. "Wayne" decal (7") $5. Color copy of sales brochure $2.

Wayne Model 70 (Farm Pump) - Face - 6" dia. face with white background $20. Parts breakdown $ 5. "Wayne" decal (7") $5.

Wayne 80 - Faces white powder coated, embossed & formed $55/set (these do not have the hole for site glass). Door rubber $50/pump with rivets. Window rubber $15 ea. Window glass $12.50 each. Reset crank $25. Escutheon plate $7 each. ID tag (brass) $12."Wayne" decal (7") $5. Repair parts list (80 pp) - $24

Wayne 90 - Door rubber $50/pump with rivets. Window glass & rubber $25 ea. "Wayne" decal (7") $5. Parts breakdown/instruction manual (18 bw pp.) $9.

Wayne 100 - Parts breakdown/instruction manual (12 bw pp.) $4.

Wayne 100A, 100B - Rubber to install door glass $4 ea. Rubber to install ad glass $3 ea. Door latch spring (double loop) $4.50 each. Reset crank $15 plain or $35 chrome. Stainless steel nozzle bezel $15. Sight glass (not plastic) $15. Sight glass bezel $14 each polished or $17 each polished. Side panel retaining clips $2 each. Parts breakdown/instruction manual (20 bw pp.) $7. Color sales brochure (8 pp.) covers 70, 100A, 100B, 300, 301, Pump Lights, Air Compressors, Hoists etc. $16. "Wayne" decal (7") $5.

Wayne 205 & 207 Curbside - Face - 6" dia. with 2 holes at 3 & 9 o'clock - $20. Clock face hand (with steel knob) $20. Cast iron handle $45. Correct style wood knob for handle $18. Lower cast iron access door $40. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Valve knob (ring) $25. Correct style Wayne brass nozzle $95 or generic brass banana nozzle with hook or side tabs $95 (call or email with questions). "Wayne" decal (7") $5.

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Wayne 216 or 228 Gas Cart - Face - 4 1/2" OD x 2 3/4" ID, 4 mounting holes $20. Gas gauge dial $10. Clock face hand (with steel knob) $20. Cast iron handle $45. Correct style wood knob for handle $18. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass banana nozzle with hook or side tabs $95 or Correct style brass nozzle $95. "Wayne" decal (7") $5.

Wayne 254, 276, 280, 302, 352 & others- Face - 6 " dia. with 1" center hole, 4 mounting holes $20. "Zero to 1 gal." aluminum strip 1 7/8" x 18 3/4" $15. Clock face hand (with steel knob) $20. Cast iron handle $45. Correct style wood knob for handle $18. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Valve knob (ring) $25. Correct style brass nozzle $95. Brass banana nozzle with hook or side tabs $95. Brass nozzle holder $35. "Wayne" decal (7") $5.

Wayne 254 Canadian Version - Face - 6 " dia. with 1" center hole, 4 mounting holes $20. "Zero to 1 Gal." aluminum strip 1 7/8" x 15 1/8" with 2 mounting slots $15. Correct style wood knob for handle $18. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Clock face hand (with steel knob) $20. Valve handle (ring) $25. Cast iron handle $45. Correct style brass nozzle $95. Brass banana nozzle with hook or side tabs $95 or Correct style brass nozzle $140. Brass nozzle holder $35. "Wayne" decal (7") $5.

Wayne 275, 276 & others - Face - 6 3/4" dia., 1" center, 1/2" hole at 2 o'clock, 3 mounting slots $20. Clock face hand (with steel knob) $20. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Valve handle (ring) $25. Cast iron handle $45. Correct style wood knob for handle $18. Correct style brass nozzle $95. Brass nozzle holder $35. Brass banana nozzle with hook or side tabs $95. "Wayne" decal (7") $5.

Wayne 300 & 301 (Air Port Refueling Unit) - Parts breakdown/instruction manual (14 bw pp.) $5. Color sales brochure (8 pp.) covers 70, 100A, 100B, 300, 301, Pump Lights, Air Compressors, Hoists etc. $16. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. "Wayne" decal (7") $5.

Wayne 302 - Face - 6 " dia. with 1" center hole, 4 mounting holes $20. "Zero to 1 Gal." aluminum strip 1 7/8" x 15 1/8" $20. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Clock face hand (with steel knob) $20. Valve handle (ring) $25. Cast iron handle $45. Correct style wood knob for handle $18. Correct style brass nozzle $95. Brass banana nozzle with hook or side tabs $95. Brass nozzle holder $40. "Wayne" decal (7") $5.

Wayne 364 & 366 - Face - 4 1/2" OD x 2 3/4" ID, 4 mounting holes $20. "Zero to 1 Gal." aluminum strip 1 7/8" x 15 1/8" $15. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Valve handle (ring) $25. Clock face hand (with steel knob) $20. Cast iron handle $45. Correct style wood knob for handle $18. Correct style brass nozzle $95. Brass banana nozzle with hook or side tabs $95. "Wayne" decal (7") $5. Parts breakdown (364) $5.

Wayne 395 - Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Parts breakdown$5.

Wayne 400, 420 & 440 - Parts breakdown (35pp) $14. Rubber for glass $2/ft.

Wayne 452 (Pre visible) - Face - 6" diam. with 1" center hole & 4 mounting holes $20. Clock face hand (with steel knob) $20. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Valve handle (ring) $25. Correct style brass nozzle $95. Brass nozzle holder $35. "Wayne" decal (7") $5. Color copy of the sales brochure $10.

Wayne 480 (Pre visible) - Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Valve handle (ring) $25. Cast iron handle $45. Correct style wood knob for handle $18. Correct style brass nozzle $95. Brass banana nozzle with hook or side tabs $95. Brass nozzle holder $35. "Wayne" decal (7") $5.

Wayne 492 ('Roman') - Gallon marker $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. Cast iron access door with brass lock $60. Cast iron handle (correct shape) $75. Globe holder(cast iron) $60. Light shade (tulip) $75 each drilled and tapped for conduit. Light socket & metal mounting ring for tulip $14. Cast iron bonnet $125. Cast iron jar lid $80. Lower scrolls (cast iron) $110 each. Adaptor ring (fits on top of tube) $65. Correct style small brass nozzle $95. Correct style large brass nozzle $105. Bronze nozzle holder $25. Drain back handle $50 (cast iron) or $60 (brass). Serve valve handle $45 (cast iron) or $55 (brass) . Brass shaft for valve or drain back handle $35. Ornamental base ring $110. Interlocking ring (slider) $100. Slider support (takes 3) $30 each."Fill Bowl .." signs for slider $15 each. ID tag $24. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. "Keep Stuffing Boxes Tight" tag $10. Mounting plate for ID & other tags $14 each. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Call for additional parts..

Wayne 500 & 505 - Faces - white painted formed $50/set. Sight glass (not plastic) $15. Reset crank $25. Door glass with rubber $28. Rubber strip for top $7 (2 pcs). ID tag $10. Parts breakdown $11.

Wayne 508 Remote Pump - Parts breakdown $6.

Wayne 515 Visible Pump - cast iron handle (correct shape) $90. ID tag (brass) $12. "Keep Stuffing Boxes Tight" tag $10. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Nozzle hanger $35 cast iron or $45 brass. Cast iron drain back lid $35. Gallon marker $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. Cast iron 'jar lid' $80. Jar lid glass with wire $20 (specify diameter 7" or 7 1/2" ). Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. "Wayne" decal (7") $5. Parts breakdown$5.

Wayne 519 Visible Pump - gallon stops (arrows) $90/set of 11. Cast iron small crank $35. Correct style wood knob for small handle $18. Cast iron handle $90. ID tag (brass) $12. "Keep Stuffing Boxes Tight" tag $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Nozzle hanger $35 cast iron or $45 brass. Cast iron drain back lid $35. Gallon marker $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. Cast iron 'jar lid' $80. Jar lid glass with wire $20 (specify diameter 7" or 7 1/2" ). Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. "Wayne" decal (7") $5. Parts breakdown$5.

Wayne 576 - Faces - 9" dia. with 3 hole mount "Wayne" in gold $50/set. Face glass bezel $20 ea. Hand $5 ea. ID tag $20. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. "Notice" tag $14. "U.S. Gallons" tag $14. Brass selector knob $35. Brass reset knob for hand $28. Replacement cast iron site glass assembly (call for details). Stainless steel upper & lower corners $10 each. Cast iron handle $55. Correct style wood knob for handle $18. Cast iron nozzle hanger $30. Lower access door $45. "Wayne" decal (7") $5.

Wayne 577 - Parts breakdown/instruction manual (12 bw pp.) $4. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10.

Wayne 600 & 605 - Door glass with rubber $28. Rubber strip for top $6 (2 pcs). Parts breakdown $14.

Wayne 615, 617, 628, 665 & 667 Visible Pump - Cast iron handle (correct shape) $90 with square hole. ID tag (brass) $12. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. "Keep Stuffing Boxes Tight" tag $10. Gallon marker $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum.Cast iron drain back lid $35. Nozzle hanger $35 cast iron or $45 brass. Cast iron 'jar lid' $80. Jar lid glass with wire $20 (specify diameter 7" or 7 1/2" ). Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Cast iron base $160. "Wayne" decal (7") $5. Parts breakdown$5.

Wayne 616 & 636; 637 & 639 Visible Pump (Canadian) - Cast iron handle (correct shape) $90 with square hole. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. "Keep Stuffing Boxes Tight" tag $10. Gallon marker $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. "Wayne" decal (7") $5. Color photo copy of sales brochure $4.

Wayne 619 & 669 Visible Pump - Clock dial casting $75. Cast iron 'jar lid' $80. Jar lid glass with wire $20 (specify diameter 7" or 7 1/2" ). ID tag (brass) $12. "Keep Stuffing Boxes Tight" tag $10. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Nozzle hanger $35 cast iron or $45 brass. Dial pointer knob with hand $25. Cast iron small crank $30. Correct style wood knob for small handle $18. Cast iron drain back lid $35. Cast iron handle (correct shape) $90 with square hole. Gallon marker $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. Cast iron base $160. "Wayne" decal (7") $5. Parts breakdown$5.

Wayne 711 Visible Pump - Cast iron handle $105. Cast iron 'jar lid' $80. Jar lid glass with wire $20 (specify diameter 7" or 7 1/2" ). Cast iron valve handle $35. ID tag (brass) $12. "Keep Stuffing Boxes Tight" tag $10. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Nozzle hanger $35 cast iron or $45 brass. Gallon marker $70 in brass or $60 in aluminum. Cast iron drain back lid $35. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. "Wayne" decal (7") $5. Parts breakdown $6.

Wayne 714 & 734 - Parts breakdown $14.

Wayne 730 - Faces - 9" dia. with 3 hole mount "Wayne" in gold $50/set. Face glass bezel $20. Hand $5. Face glass with hole $33. Face glass without hole $16. ID tag $20. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. "Notice" tag $14. Replacement cast iron site glass assembly (call for details). Stainless steel corners $10 each. "Wayne" decal (7") $5. Parts breakdown $6.

Wayne 760 Blend-O-Matic - Parts breakdown $14. Rubber for glass $1/foot.

Wayne 800 & 800A- Faces - 10" diameter, 3 hole mount, black numbers with "Wayne" in gold $50/set. ID tag $22 ea. Aluminum bezels NLA. Glass with hole $30. Face glass (no hole) $20. Light shade(cast iron) $45. Hands $5 each. Glass cylinders $20 each. Spinner for visi NLA. Nozzle holder (3 pieces) NLA. One piece nozzle holder (brass) $50. Fluted style brass reset knob $28. Stamped aluminum price box frame (bezel) $20 each. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Brass banana nozzle with side tabs $95. "Wayne" decal (7") $5. Parts breakdown $6 (specify 800 or 800-A).

Wayne 851 & 853 - Faces - 10" dia. clock face with 3 hole mount. Black numbers with "Wayne" in gold. $50/set. Hands $5 each. ID Tag (3" x 5") $15. Cast iron light shade - $50. Cast iron glass bezel $50 (Wayne used two styles call me for more info). Cast iron inside bezel $45 (Wayne used two styles call me for more info). Glass with hole $30.Face glass (no hole) $20.Fluted brass reset knob $28. Knurled brass reset knob $12. Nozzle receptacle (fork) brass $45. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Stamped aluminum price box frame (bezel) $20. Nozzle receiver bezel $24. Original style cast iron visi gauge with two glass cylinders $250 (all holes drilled and tapped, less rods & spinners). Spinner for visi (with two cylinders) $25 ea. Spinner for visi gauge (with one glass cylinder) $42. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. "Wayne" decal (7") $5. Parts breakdown $6.

Wayne 861 & 861-40- Faces - 11 5/8" x 13 5/8" white background, red & black numbers, "Wayne" logo in gold & black $50/set. Hands $5 each. Cast iron face bezel $70. ID Tag (3" x 5") $15. Light shade (alum) $45. Reset knob $35. Reset knob flange $24. Stamped aluminum price box frame (bezel) $20. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. 861-40 lower front panels with "+" slot $30. Nozzle receptacle (fork) brass $50 or $45 aluminum. Nozzle receiver bezel $24. Spinner for visi gauge $38. Visi-gauge collar plate $28. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50. "Wayne" decal (7") $5. Parts breakdown (861) $6.

Wayne 866 (60 clock face) - Faces - 10 3/8" x 13" white background, red & black numbers with "Wayne" logo in gold & black $50/set. Hands $5 each. ID tag $10. Reset knob $25 (alum) or $35 (brass). "Wayne" chrome nameplate $20. Sunburst stainless $15. Sight glass (not plastic) $15. Control lever/switch ( the nozzle rests here) $35 or brass $45 specify wide body or narrow body. Nozzle lever (spoon) $15. Bezel bolt (large flat head) $2.50 ea. specify stainless steel or brass (8 per pump). Shoulder bolt (small flat head) $2.25 ea. specify brass or stainless (six per pump) . Front/rear sheet metal panelwith "+" slot and reinforcement at the top $35 each. Machined alum. door hinge $30 ea (you won't break this one). Stainless steel nozzle bezel $15. Stainless steel twist fasteners $2.50 each. Stainless steel protective trim pieces for the twist fasteners $1 each. Cast iron globe holder(needs drilling) $50. Cast aluminum globe holder drilled and polished $50. Parts breakdown/instruction manual $7. "Wayne" decal (7") $5. Color copy of sales brochure $2.

Wayne 876 (70 clock face) - Faces - 10 3/8" x 13" white background, red & black numbers with "Wayne" logo in gold & black $50/set. Polished stainless "Wayne" nameplate $10. Reset crank $15 plain or $35 chrome. ID tag $10. Sight glass $25. Wide site glass (3.5" flange) NLA. Sight glass tag $10. Metal spinner $3ea. Nozzle lever (spoon) $15. Door hinge $18 ea. Parts breakdown/instruction manual (18 bw pp.) $6. Color sales brochure (8 pp.) covers 70, 100A, 100B, 300, 301, Pump Lights, Air Compressors, Hoists etc. $16. "Wayne" decal (7") $5. Color copy of sales brochure $2.

Wichita/Hayes Visible Pump - Decals for etched cylinder look $40 for 2 (1-10). Cast iron bezel $50. Cast iron front door $50. Cast iron wing nut for handle $20 (brass) or $15 (cast iron). Cast iron handle mount $40. Galvanized handle (pipe) $25. Cast iron bonnet (bell shaped) with globe mount $170. Underwriters' Laboratories tag $10. Rod mounted price box with assorted cards $50.

Williams gate valve shut off lever arm - $35 in cast iron or $40 in bronze.

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